A Trail To Remember…

or, How I Almost Got Caught “With My Pants Down”! Because I was so cold last time I hiked Hockley, this day I decided to dress extra warmly. I pretty much threw on every winter hiking garment I owned! For some strange reason we all compare notes before we start off on our hikes, while … Read more

The Motivation to Write

Three of my friends are currently fretting over the writing of their books, or rather, their lack of it. I too know this feeling from time-to-time. An idea can brew around in one’s head for quite a while, but getting those first few words down are always the hardest, especially when you feel your motivation … Read more

Three Questions

by Leo Tolstoy One day it occurred to a certain emperor that if he only knew the answer to three questions, he would never stray in any matter. What is the best time to do each thing? Who are the most important people to work with? What is the most important thing to do at … Read more

Funny Days

My darling 12 and a half year old Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, Angus, was diagnosed with terminal, inoperable Oral Cancer on August 6, 2009, but is still in fine enough shape for now to be with us a while longer. He’s just in need of some special consideration and TLC. I’ve started pureeing Angus’ food in … Read more

The Sound of Service Excellence

Are professional graces and manners–polite on-the-job behaviours and attitudes once thought a matter of “common decency”–going the way of current stock markets? Are many workers, of all stripes and in all industries, experiencing such a sense of smoldering stress that they either cannot or will not demonstrate anything beyond the bare basic technicalities of their … Read more

Using Your Contacts and Actually Asking for What You Want

The other day a beautifully dressed young man, attired in full business regalia, knocked on my door wishing to make his professional introductions as a newly minted financial advisor with a well known financial institution. He was inspired to try the good old fashioned, door-to-door approach of stirring the pot to secure new clients. Funnily … Read more

Back-to-School and Back-to-Professional Conferences:

How to get the best bang for your conference buck Here it comes…almost back-to-school time once again, and time for something else, too! The professional conference season–autumn meetings and beyond–is almost upon us, as well. Attending such events offer up such a deluge of information that, as one colleague expresses, “It feels like you’ve just … Read more

PowerPoint Bored’em

I recently was the closing speaker at two events where speaker after speaker after speaker–all senior executive-types–read, word-for-word from their scripts, while hiding behind the podium in half-light and letting the bells and whistles of PowerPoint presentations deliver the main thrust of their messages. One “reader” would have been bad enough, but four? five? and … Read more

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day to you! This date marks the second anniversary of the launch of my first book, Getting Passion Out of Your Profession: How to keep loving your living…come what may. And what a passionate year it’s been, indeed, fulfilling a record number of client demands and engagements for my conference keynote and workshop … Read more

Coping With the Last Stretch of 2007: a.k.a. Workplace Stress Time’s Last Hurrah!

Okay, this is it. Don’t get scared. Here we are–finally!–the last of 2007. For many, this week marks the home stretch before holy-days and vacation time. For others, the end of December merely represents a couple of extra days off work, followed by the stress of holding down the organization’s fort while coping with the … Read more

Intrapreneurial Networking Masters

Organizations have embraced teamwork for at least the past two decades. Now comes the importance of recognizing the art of internal and “on purpose” networking. Many people still think networking is an on-the-side, personal activity for career pathing beyond their current positions and organizations, but employee dedication to broadening personal influence and wisdom, while still … Read more

Appreciating Staff, Colleagues and Yourself!

Sometimes, in some “sick” corporate cultures (bewildering as it may seem), expressions of staff appreciation rarely, if ever, occur. What’s an individual to do? It’s nice, and even feeds the soul, when your employer acknowledges and appreciates your professional gifts and talents but, if they are not being recognized, at least acknowledge them for yourself…it … Read more

“The Experience starts now!” At least that’s what they promised

I traded in my old modem for a new one today; this required a visit to one of my service provider’s retail outlets. Now I’m in “the business” of championing service excellence, employee motivation, how to feel and how to demonstrate authentic passion for your profession (whatever it is you “do” for a living), so, … Read more

Blinding Flashes of the Obvious

Have you ever thrashed around in the emotional pain of indecision, or found yourself suffering from “paralysis of analysis” regarding a particular personal or professional issue or choice? Of course you have. Everyone “goes there” at some time or another, don’t they? And–thank goodness–sooner or later we all find our way through the instability of … Read more

From the frying pan into the fire

I cut my first teeth (years and years ago) in organizational development under the banner of a large organization–large enough to sustain its own intimate coral of management development workshop facilitators. After a few years I felt under appreciated, under recognized and under utilized, therefore I quietly–as most do in such cases–started an external job … Read more

The Flight from Hell and Teamwork Lessons Learned from Hurricane Alex

Back on April 26, 2007 I blogged about the challenges and down-right fright of flying in small, weight-imblanced planes and drew parallels between imbalanced planes and imbalanced work lives. I also mentioned–in that blog–another air-bourne fright I experienced trying to get home from a speaking engagement in the Bahamas during the first hours of 2004’s … Read more

The Sanjaya Factor

What is it? Well here’s one of my dirty-little secrets…I watch American Idol. Yup–Religiously. It started off as something that my daughter and I could sit down together and watch and have a laugh and be entertained, chat, etc. And then she got bored and abandoned ship (weeks and weeks ago). What became of me? … Read more

Toying with a digital scale and the “weight of the world”

With amazing regularity I read newspaper articles and the likes, about workplace stress getting the better of workers and undermining maximum workplace productivity. These articles always put the blame on the stresses of the job, but I’ve noticed something quite interesting about stress and the seeming “weight of the world” bearing down on me, while … Read more

What comes first…the chicken or the egg…the job or the passion?

“Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”, so says Samuel Ulman. So how are you protecting your working soul from “wrinkles”, these mid-winter days? Where are you at regarding your daily stores of enthusiasm for all you do on-the-job? No energy for enthusiasm in these doldrums days of seemingly endless … Read more

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