A keynote speaker and best-selling author will be visiting the area to talk to business professionals on loving their work and getting passion from their profession.
Nina Spencer is the speaker at this year’s Remarkable Business Woman of Quinte event. Speaking to The Intelligencer Friday, Spencer said her presentation will focus on five key points that will help business people “to keep loving your living come what may.”
Spencer has more than 20 years of keynote speaking inexperience. Her years of speaking led to the creation of her first book, Getting Passion Out of Your Profession.
“So many people are not really thrilled about what they do,” said Spencer Friday. “I would hazard a guess, it’s a minority of people that really love, love, love what they do.”
Instead, the majority of people bear with it because of obligations, commitments and to finance the lifestyle they’ve created.
“There’s no harm in that, there’s no shame or embarrassment,” said Spencer.

However, if your work is creating so much stress it become hazardous to your health and you’re constantly asking yourself ‘Why do I stay?’ then it might be time for a change.
When thinking about work, Spencer asks people to consider these options: to love it, leave it, change it or change the way you think about it, or stay and hate it.
During her presentation on Oct. 28, Spencer will touch on tools people can use to help bring the passion back into their work, from using positive language and practicing creativity to nurturing your professional relationships and acknowledging your professional value.
She’ll speak about creating and maintaining a sense of humor – a bond which can “strengthen your relationship to both colleagues and clients and promote a local business culture that more conducive to harmony and the positive energy to get the job successfully done.”
She’ll presents a “few exercises that really ram home the point of shifting perspectives”, creativity and perspective have everything to do with “controlling” your thinking.
“Sometimes we just need to ask ourselves those questions, ‘Where’s the good in this?” she said.
Attendees will be given a series of questions to help them realize their professional contributions. They’ll also be asked to think about their professional relationships, identify what authentic relationships they have and how those are maintained.
Tickets for the Remarkable Business Woman of Quinte luncheon event are available at The Intelligencer, 199 Front St, in Century Village, for $40 each. The event is being held at Occasions By The Bay at 980 Highway 2, Bayside.