Hamilton Spectator – Athena Award houours 2WA’s Bermingham

On The Town by Kathi Aitken

Photo by Ted Brellisford, The Hamilton Spectator

Photo: Attending the second-annual Athena awards night were, left, Lina Brocklehurst, Janeen Lemay, Wanda Dzierzbicki and guest speaker Nina Spencer.

Anne Bermingham of 2WA Consulting won this year’s Athena Award that recognizes excellence, community service and active assistance to women in developing their leadership skills.

The second-annual Athena Awards gala, organized by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, was held May 15 at the chamber’s waterfront location at the foot of Bay Street.

Last year, local realtor, Judy Marsales was selected.

Photo by Ted Brellisford, The Hamilton Spectator

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