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- In the News
- I may not be the most talented harp student but at my age, I have the most chutzpah
- How to get passion out of your work
- Dive In, The Water’s Great!: How You And Your Association Can Take Risks in 2017
- Best-selling author, Nina Spencer to speak at Remarkable Business Woman of Quinte luncheon event
- Hard work pays off
- Remarkable Business Women sought
- Best-selling author to speak at event
- Nina Spencer on The Agenda in the Summer, Aug 16, 2016.
- Five Lessons from Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro
- Nina’s Media List
- How to make praise part of your workplace culture
- Mentor Minute: How to become a person of influence
- Taking Risks in 2010: Dive In, The Water’s Great!
- Seven strategies to boost your career opportunities
- Spread the halo-effect around
- ECONOMY: NEW REALITIES — Strangers in a strange land
- Smartest career moves for the year ahead
- Summertime, and the brain is mushy
- Leave no ghosts in the closet when quitting
- Working through those end-of-summer blues
- Summer’s over, time to hunker down
- To get ahead: Tried and truisms
- How you tell the new boss what needs to change
- You & the boss
- Watch Nina Spencer on workopolis tv, talk about, How To Love Your Job Again
- Live and work with passion
- All work, no play, no more
- Love the job you’re with
- Love your job with a passion or risk dropping dead from a heart attack on Monday morning
- The Globe and Mail – Globe Careers C3: Put some passion back into your job
- Information Radio 990 on CBC Radio One Winnipeg, Manitoba – Staying motivated at work in the dog-days of late summer
- The Brampton Guardian – Speaker helps workers develop a passion for their profession
- Hamilton Spectator – Athena Award houours 2WA’s Bermingham
- The Toronto Star – Knowing when to leave your job
- Chatelaine Magazine – Presenting the motherhood quilt
- Edmonton Journal – Careers: Staff retraining pays off for employees, company
- Media Centre
- Burlington Post – Does your boss suffer from HDS?